When we are looking for a new home to live in, it’s natural that we look for the location first, for it to be a unique and quiet location with available services, So we are here to know 6 reasons to live in Maadi.
But unfortunately, we have some problems when searching for the right location, also how we will get a good apartment and know the real prices in the area to avoid cheating when you need to rent an apartment to live in for a long period of time.
We can ask a Maadi real estate expert to help us with our search, so I am here to help and search with you for 6 reasons to live in Maadi.
1- Greenery Everywhere

The abundance of greenery in Maadi will make you feel that you are in London, not only that, but Maadi is also greener than London.
There has been a policy for years that the citizens of Maadi are required to maintain and improve their gardens.
For this reason, the neighborhood of Maadi is one of the cities that have the cleanest air, and this is what makes it different from any other city in Cairo.
2- Services Everywhere
There are many services, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, you will find burger and sushi restaurants, as well as restaurants for oriental and western food, near you Carrefour Maadi.
3- Sports Everywhere
Sports clubs in Maadi have all kinds of sports available in the same place, you will find a swimming pool and a field for football, and basketball.
Sports club also provides you with places to eat and drink and spend a happy time with your family and friends.
4- Safety Everywhere
Maadi is one of the safest areas in Cairo, so it contains many embassies, which also increases protection and reassures residents.
The infrastructure of Maadi is built on a large scale and you will not find many lonely small streets, so Maadi is one of the safest areas for you and your family.
5- Always Clean Streets
Maadi is one of the cleanest neighborhoods in Cairo, Maadi is one of the few exceptions that have a street cleaning service, and people have a classy mindset.
6- Going Out
Maadi is an outstanding neighborhood with bars, restaurants, and cafes. Street 9, for example, is one of the best streets for family outings. You will find luxury restaurants as well as good medium-cost restaurants.
So today we knew 6 reasons to live in Maadi, we talked about greenery in Maadi, then we moved to Maadi’s worth with the variety and lot of services.
Maadi is also one of the most places that contain sports clubs, and you can practice running in its quiet streets. We talked about Maadi being safer than any other neighborhood because it contains many embassies, which makes Maadi residents comforted.
We also knew that Maadi is one of the cleanest neighborhoods and one of the best neighborhoods to go out and picnic with the family in its streets like Street 9, which has a great night atmosphere.
What is the most compelling reason to live in Maadi?