There’s something cathartic about how to buy a new house in Egypt, you will find it in this article.
So at one time, you were looking for a long time for your new right home, but not anymore.
Here are steps to answer the question of how to buy a new house in Egypt
17 steps to buy a new house in Egypt
1- Go to the place of the apartment and the street once in the day and once at night to get to know the area well.
2- Don’t give a realtor or owner the opportunity to trick you that the apartment is great, and ask in the area about the average prices.
3- Don’t buy an apartment without an electricity meter, and measure the area of your apartment by yourself.
4- Negotiate with a trusted and reputable broker.
5- Verify title deeds (contracts).
6- Ask the seller whether the apartment is properly signed.
7- Make sure that the apartment is not inherited.
8- If the apartment is owned by inheritance, you must see the inheritance notification and they all sign the contract.
9- You must require the seller to give up the water, electricity, and gas meter.
10- The most important thing is to receive the apartment immediately after contracting, and make sure that your ownership is stronger upon receipt.
11- In the sale in installments, the numbers and dates of trust receipts or checks must be recorded in the contract.
12- Don’t buy in a role contrary to what is not mentioned in the license in any way.
13- In no case don’t buy an apartment that doesn’t actually exist or that you haven’t seen on the ground.
14- The most important data of the sales contract is “the full name of the buyer and seller – ID number – full address of residence”.
15- Take a lawyer with you, or at least consult with him about what you are applying for.
16- See the lawyer for full details of writing the contract.
17- Don’t accept the contract written by the seller.
If you want, you can take a look at resale units here.