Commercial for rent
Administrative headquarter for rent directly on Maadi Cornish.
Full floor, area: 1000 sqm, 32 rooms, 5 bathrooms, central AC, good lighting and finishing, wooden floors, luxury entrance for your company, wide balcony, and parking.
If you are looking for a licensed administrative headquarter for rent, for your business or company.
We are here to help you make the right decision and practice your business successfully in the best way.
and the best place in Maadi. Follow us and you will find the solution, Don’t worry!
It is natural you are looking for a suitable and strategic location for your administrative headquarter.
and you are also interested in finding a place with a large area and close to transportation to make it easier for your company’s employees.
Maadi is featured by strategic location, as it’s one of the oldest neighborhoods in Cairo, also one of the finest.
It’s characterized by calm and security, as it has many embassies for many countries, and many famous people live in it.
Its proximity to several well-known roads makes it a special strategic area for your company, and office spaces for rent.
As we mentioned previously, Maadi is one of the best areas strategically.
So it has a transportation line that connects it to many other neighborhoods.
and this will facilitate your company’s employees to reach the office quickly and in the easiest way.
What also featured licensed office spaces for rent in New Maadi are the large spaces that they contain.
which will provide you with providing workspaces for employees and managers, as well as for your meeting room.
Office spaces vary according to several things, also including the area or the unit itself, is it an office space for rent in Maadi, apartment, a ground floor, or a villa.